No, its not me!  You know enough about me already.

I had the best day today.  We went to Daytona 500 had wonderful hospitality, incredible seats and met some fabulous (and famous) people.  The first gentleman who sat right next to us was called had to be him.

Daytona is an absolute melting pot of people.  Every culture, dress code, colour, religion, RV drivers, Harley bikers, Nascar truly is a photographers dream.

I took so many pictures and spent the day with a huge smile on my face, such a visual feast of humanity, love it or loathe it the diversity is incredible.

Today’s subject, Carey was an interesting character, visually he wasn’t as ‘colourful’ as some of the characters at the race but I can absolutely imagine that his life is every bit as colourful as the display before us.

He was a brooding gentleman with the sort of eyes that tell many a story, an impressive moustache and a quick wit!  This is the chap that you want at a dinner party, to tell stories and liven up the party.

Name: Carey

Occupation: Business & Investment Management

1.Where were you born and raised?

Washington DC. Montgomery County Marilyn

2.Tell me a childhood memory.

‘As a very young boy I had two younger brothers and sisters that took a lot of my parents time and I had a pony that came from England, an Exmoor.  Named Bumble. Bumble would pull a little pony cart for me.  So he and I would go all day in the pony cart with a lunch.  My mother wrote a book about him, Bumble & me.’  Author: Kathleen C Beer

3.What is your favourite season and why?

‘I have really no favourite season and I love all the seasons and I love the change in the seasons.  I like to be somewhere I can experience the change in the seasons.  Last week I was in California and it was Springtime, Apple blossom, Cherry blossom and Eastern Magnolias were all blooming and it was very fragrant in the air.  So I couldn’t say that I like that better than I do Winter but about three days before that I was skiing in the Rockies and it was Winter time and we were going fast.’

‘Late spring in Paris is very nice, the fall in Washington, Springtime in California’

4.Tell me about someone you love.

‘Ronald Reagan, he is a guy that I think about more and more today because of what is facing the Nation and because of what he faced at he beginning of his quest to become President and looking back upon his accomplishments.  I think about him and I really hope that this country has a new leader that helps bring about constructive and improved conditions.’

I asked Carey who should be leader.

‘Well, I expect Hilary to be indited any day any if they don’t there is a serious problem in the justice department.  I would say that America is not ready for a Socialist leader so Bernie will not succeed and Bush bowed out of the race last night, its now a three way race in my opinion but its now more of an indurance test.’

‘I have my expectations for an entrepreneurial President’

5.What words of wisdom do you have for the reader about life?

‘Be kind, be humble, work hard, have a vision, make a lot of money so you can have a lot of fun’

6.Dreams for the future.

‘Live till about 110, healthily.  I want to be flying an aeroplane when I am in my 90’s, be able to ride a horse well into my 80’s, enjoy life, not be in an influenced state.  Life has been a gift, if it were to end today it would have all been a gift.’

I enjoyed listening to Carey, it wasn’t easy in the noisy environment. I’ll admit to be a little intimidated.  Here was a very intelligent man who has clearly lived a life.  He shared only information he wanted me to hear, answered quickly without having to think so I imagine he spends a lot of time thinking on his feet and answering difficult questions!

One can only imagine the life he may be leading, International traveller, Successful business man, political spokesman, pilot..the new James Bond perhaps?  At the very least aspiring to be…
