I went to see a new friend today to discuss a little photo shoot we are going to be doing but she already had company.  A beautiful young woman, sitting at the kitchen island rubbing her lovely rounded, pregnant tummy.

Danielle was already complaining about her growing size but to everyone else she just looks beautiful and the temptation to touch her tummy was overwhelming, you’ll be surprised and pleased to hear I didn’t, I managed to restrain myself.

Name: Danielle

Occupation: Home maker/ Massage Therapist

1.Where were you born and raised?

Houston & raised in Las Vegas, Nevada.

‘It’s very hot and dry there, I lived in a home with my brother and I have a sister seventeen years older than me, with the same Mum & Dad.  My brother is six years older so I am the baby.  It was good.

My sister always says because my Dad has always been an entrepreneur and off working that when she was younger they didn’t have cell phones and stuff like that so he would call and say, Hey, I probably won’t be home, she didn’t see him as much.  My Mum was a nurse and she worked full time so my sister was an only child for about eleven years.  She just felt like she didn’t get as much attention as we got growing up, they were younger, twenty-two when they had her and my Mum was almost forty when she had me.

My parents are still married today, both retired, they are seventy and they travel a lot.

I had a good life, I have two great parents and I went to a great Catholic High School.’

2.Tell me a childhood memory.

‘When my Grandmother passed, I definitely won’t forget it.  I was six and she was such an amazing person.  We would go to their farm in West Virginia and they had horses and we would go every summer.  She passed when I was Six and I can remember my Mother waking me that morning to tell me and it is really crazy because my Grandfather passed away three years ago, he passed away when my daughter was six.  It was really interesting because I remember how it impacted me and how it still impacts her today.  It was difficult. My Grandmother died of Ovarian cancer, she was diagnosed and died ten months later, it is lethal.’

3.What is your favourite season and why.

The fall because it is after the treacherous summer, in the fall the trees and the leaves are so full and abundant and all the colours.  It’s cosy, its just a perfect time in between summer and winter.’

4.Tell me about someone you love.

‘I love my Mother, wholeheartedly to no end, she brought me into this world.  She is an amazing woman.  She is seventy, she has always just giving me the guidance that has gotten me to where I am today.  She has worked hard her entire life even though my Father could provide for her she had to, she liked to have her own.  She always made sure that she held her own ground.  Not only did she work full time but she always managed to take me to all my soccer games, tournaments out of town.  She is just an amazing person, today, now she is disabled, she walks with a walker she has major back issues.  But even being so she doesn’t limit herself.  Still to this day she is the only person I trust to take my daughter. I trust her and I can rely on her out of anybody in this world.’

5.What words of wisdom do you have for the reader about life.

‘Don’t bet on just one thing, don’t put all your eggs in one basket.  I always tell people that the best thing you can do for yourself is to have multiple things that you are good at. ‘

6.Dreams for the future.

‘I’m building my family now and possibly maybe have another baby, after this one.  Be the best woman I can be for my girls. Show them right from wrong, be successful and perhaps start a business.

I wanna travel the world, be a business owner, be a great mum and be like my parents when I grow up!’

A beautiful woman with ambition and a wonderful ‘joie de vivre’ its inspirational and rubs off on you. Danielle was very comfortable in her own skin and as a result she made you feel comfortable.

Married to a professional, well know basketball player, travelling the world and dealing with grueling schedules whilst keeping a normal family existence can’t be easy but it looks like Danielle has it covered.

A little distracted today, she seemed to have things on her mind, she was probably more quiet than all of her friends know her normally, I can see her as the life of the party.

It’s good to see that she has plans for herself later on, to have goals and dreams is what life is all about and Danielle, like her Mum, needs something of her own, she just needs to work out what that is.  But like she says, she has plenty of time.
