I heard her before I saw her.

I needed energy today, I was feeling tired and a little low, I felt I was lacking the energy to support my subject.  T o approach them with the confidence they need in order or give me their story.

It’s a Sunday.  Never a good day for me, but then thats my story.

So I heard Djenne, then I saw her.  Bright & bubbly, adorable freckles across her caramel coloured face..a rainbow of colours for her hair.  Hello gorgeous, today I am taking to you.

Approaching Djenne must have been the easiest subject ever..I told her what I was doing and she whooped and said Yes! You’d think she had won the local lottery.

Name: Dienne Husbands

Occupation: Sales Assistant Comic Book Store

Standing in front of me is a young woman with the most beautiful attitude.  Positive, brave and seeking the best in everyone.  This will keep her in good stead for life,  a few will take advantage, she’ll give them the benefit of the doubt, she won’t get hard cause that isn’t the way she was built.  Some will hurt her because they can but she will smile, count her blessings and will always look on the bright side.  I like Djenne..I remember her.  She was, is, me.

‘My name is Djenne Husbands I am a 23 year old female that works in a comic book store!’

  1. Where were you born and raised?

‘I was born in Orlando and raised a good majority in Orlando and then thrown back and forwards between here and there at least three times a year. My Mom was in Washington State and my Dad here so I went back and forth. ‘

Life is hard..growing up ..argghhh.

2. Tell me a childhood memory.

‘I don’t wanna do sad!’  But thats immediately where Dienne went, without thinking.  She’s tearing up.  She’s tough and hides her pain with a smile but its not ok.

‘My memory that has always stuck with me no matter what is my 12th Birthday.   My birthday is technically after my brother, mine is like the 17th and his is before that but he would always get the party.  Two weeks later I would get a gift..and so my 12th birthday my brother had a huge party for his birthday on my birthday! but it was for him and on my birthday, and I got like two gifts. And I was allowed to eat some of his cake..but my gifts were cool.’

‘Even to this day I don’t understand, it was my birthday but the cake was in my brothers name.  I don’t understand, I think my Dad just forgot.’

This still hurts Djenne, she tries to hide it but I can see.  Sometimes when you are strong and the tough one, always smiling and positive people forget you have feelings.  She was just a little girl, it was her birthday.  I’m sad for her, she’s so lovely she deserves a little moment that is about her.

She tells me she still doesn’t make any special arrangements for her birthday, it just isn’t a thing..I think I may take her a cake..she needs a moment, she deserves a moment.

3. What is your favourite season and why?

‘I actually really, really like Winter, I like the idea of it, I like putting on a layer of clothes and winter boots!  I like winter because I like all of the clothes!

4. Tell me about someone you love.

‘I don’t even have to think about that.  I really love my Mom. The only person I ever talk to is my mom.  I call her every day and if I don’t call her she calls me.  She’s the best person I ever met. My Mom is a mess, she is actually super cool, she tries to give people everything she has never had, even if she hates you which is mad!  She gives so much she forgets to come back to herself.  She is so a fantastic I wish I can be like her.’

I reassure this amazing young woman in front of me that she looks to me like she gives everything to everyone.  Her beautiful, smiley face is testimony to that.

I can imagine a little her Mom, constantly learning, taking degrees, giving her time to strangers.  All this is amazing, I just feel a little sad because I recognise the need in Dienne but I feel that her Mom missed it.  She may have found the fulfilment she needed in life not just by studying but reaching out to her daughter..who clearly needed her.  But, she is young, clearly idolises her mother and I am glad for her for that.

5. What words of wisdom do you have for the readers about life?

‘My overall philosophy is just be happy, if you are not happy with what you are in you should probably reassess.  I try to go by do not regret anything.  Even if its a really bad decision and you are like ‘oh crap, I regret that decision you shouldn’t regret anything.’

6. Dreams for the future.

‘I try not to go that far.  For the future I wanna be happy!  I wanna move out..which I do in 8 days..for the future I just wanna be financially secure.  I have a rainy day fund which is really my future.  I just always wanna be in a place where I am really zen.  Emotionally I just really wanna be happy.

Dienne was a sweetheart, crazy hair, happy chick.  I can’t help but feel like she is hiding a lifetime of hurt.  She gives off the vibe that ‘she’s alright’  she was so smiley and happy that no one saw she was hurting..its tough being the oldest child, people take your well being for granted and ignore your needs because there is a younger baby that needs attention.

I know she’ll be fine, a positive outlook leads to a happy life.  I loved Djennes face, her freckles, her crazy hair and her big beautiful eyes.

Aren’t we incredible?  The human race, so different, so colourful, so vibrant..I wish we took better care of ourselves and the people around us.

Especially our children..
