Day Eleven:
50 Portraits 50 Days 50mm lens
No pre planning, no fixed poses, just people doing their on the most part they will be strangers, so courage required too!

Well I got in early today! Found me a lovely young lady (cough)!Lisa, a friend of mine, (not any more after this probably), when I sprung upon her the idea that she would be my portrait of the day..because today is her birthday! It is a tradition amongst us that we meet up for coffee and breakfast at our local haunt, I won’t give them any free advertising cause I spend too much money in there already.Lisa actually is no stranger to the camera and featured in a campaign of mine a few years ago when I first started out, the campaign appeared at The Brick Lane Gallery for two weeks with Lisa’s lovely derriere being a fabulous feature wink emoticon Peachy.Lisa is Mum to Luke & Toby and wife to Matt. She is training in Fitness and will be kicking peoples butt into touch soon when she qualifies as as a personal training instructor. Lisa walks everywhere, spends her life in the gym and eats loads of cake and there isn’t an ounce of fat on her…yes I know you are all wondering why I’m friends with her?Lisa may put all the rest of us to shame but she is a funny, lovely lady who can knock back a JagerBomb or two and I’m very happy to call her my friend. Oh and Lisa….Roll On Vegas Baby!